15 - The planetary unfolding of events and the need to be centered in your Hearts

Dear daughter, I now transmit these words through you, to be shared with all our family on Earth, who now, at this very moment, are a little excited, agitated. Uneasy about what's happening on the planet right now.

I know, dear ones, that it is difficult for you to understand everything that is unfolding on Earth right now. How difficult for you is to look outside, at the movements that are happening and not being able to see the advances of the Light that you would like to be seeing, the Great Transformations that you would like to be witnessing at this moment on the planet.

So I ask you again: Trust the Plan, dear ones, trust the Plan.

It is not for you now to determine what is right and what is wrong in the movements that are happening on the planet at this moment. It is not for you to judge what is right and what is wrong at this moment. What I ask of you, beloved family, is that you rise above all discussion, above the whole division, above all the noise that now happens in this realm. Rise, Rise, Rise!

Leave all the mental noise, all the doubts, all the discomfort that may be disturbing you right now. Dissolve it all in the light of your hearts. Trust the Plan, dear ones. The movements that need to happen in this realm, they will happen, and everything will be as planned. The Light does not fail, dear ones. You need to trust that. You must trust that everything, absolutely everything that is happening now, everything that is unfolding on this realm serves a Higher purpose. A Higher purpose than you can't perceive now, with your physical eyes.

You need to elevate your consciousness, and unite It with the Light that comes from your hearts, from your divinities, so that you can understand what is unfolding from a Higher perspective.

About the Light's vision: I need you to trust the Plan and that you keep it at all times, so that you can rise above the doubts and above the questions that permeate your minds, and that bring you restlessness, discomfort. They take you out of your center and make it difficult to anchor the Light that you came to anchor, dear ones.

I need you once again to remember, beloved family, that right now we need all of you centered in your hearts. Centered on the Light that you are, with calm minds, with divine consciousness flowing through you, so that you can give energetic support to all the movements that will occur here. That are already occurring and will continue to occur. There are no failures, no delays. I need you to see beyond that, dear ones.

I need you to see and understand what is going on here from a Higher perspective. That you trust that everything will happen the way it needs to happen, the moment it needs to happen. That you will witness all that your hearts desire, all that you wish to see happening on Earth will happen in the most divine and harmonious way possible.

We are here to guarantee that dear ones. That is our role. We oversee all events. We are following EVERYTHING, absolutely everything that unfolds in this Plan. We are making sure that everything follows the Divine Flow, the Divine Plan, the Divine Protocols. It is not up to you to worry about it, it is not up to you to try to control how it will unfold. As difficult as it is, dear ones, for I understand the anxiety that is in your hearts and in your minds. I understand how much you want to see the realization of all these transformations and events. I understand it, dear ones. I feel it, together with you. And I know how much you want to experience all these great transformations and movements. I know your hearts, and I know how much you longed for it, life after life. Waiting and trusting in this time that would come, dear ones. And this time It is here, and this time is Now. So I need you to be calm and confident, that everything is manifesting the way it needs to manifest, at the speed that needs to happen.

As difficult as it is for your human minds to understand it in this now, I trust and know that your divine minds, your galactic souls, can embrace all the meaning of this moment, the importance of that moment and why it must be so. So I ask, dear ones, that you enter the Sanctuary of your hearts, and that you ask for the guidance you need there. Ask to understand everything that is happening from this Higher perspective. Ask the forces of light to be with you during your moments of recollection, during your moments of meditation, and help you to understand everything that is manifesting now on the planet and everything that needs to manifest. So that you can be tranquil in your divinities, so that you can be tranquil in your light. So that you can be the Light that you are.

Beloved family, I trust each and every one of you. And I understand the challenges that you are going through. I know that it is not easy for you to be living all this here, incarnated, feeling all these energetic fluctuations, feeling and seeing all these movements and that sometimes seem so paradoxical, beyond what you could understand. Different perhaps from what you might wish for. But dear ones, I assured you that it would be in the midst of all these conflicting movements, in the midst of all this external chaos, that you would identify the seeds of the New being born. That you would feel the great changes taking place. That you would see the birth of this New Age.

That is why I ask, dear ones, do not lose, even for a moment, your peace. Do not lose the trust of your hearts. Do not allow yourself to be carried away by doubts and conflicting voices in your minds. Do not give importance to external noise, nor to the noises of doubts and disturbances that may come to you, and that may be afflicting you. Because all of this will be, and already is being, dissolved in the Light.

I am talking to this daughter and explaining to her the importance of her allowing everything to UNFOLD according to the divine plan. Reminding her of the importance of trusting in divine time and trusting the unfolding of events, which is the Divine Plan itself in action, it is the Divine Flow itself manifesting in matter, dear ones. And I know that this is not so easy when you are incarnate, because the time that you want things to happen is not always the time that these things need to manifest. So above all, dear ones, you have to be confident that everything is as it should be, and that everything will unfold as it needs to be, so that you do not doubt it, and you do not get scared, and you do not suffer from what will be presenting in front of you. So that, above all, you remain centered in your hearts, looking at what is unfolding as an observer. Observing, blessing, pacifying, trusting. For everything to unfold the way it needs to unfold. Trust it, dear ones.

I wouldn't be here saying this if it wasn't the Truth. For I promised that I would be with you, in whatever way it was possible for me to be at this moment to reassure your hearts, and to assure you beloved family that everything would and will happen as planned.

You can breathe. You can relax. And you can trust it dear ones.

The most important thing at this time, my beloved children, the most important thing is that you remain in the safety and trust of your hearts, your divinities. Anchoring the Light that you are. Protecting yourself in this Light. Strengthening yourself in that light. And sustaining the forces that it is up to you to sustain at this moment. Because you are not alone, and you can count on our support, with the support of our star fleets all the time. Beloved children, remember: you can call us at every moment. Ask for all the help you need, for all the energy protection, all the divine protection you need. All spiritual, emotional or physical healing, energetic support ... you can call on this help every moment, in the ways that you wish, as you feel it is right. And we will always be with you, sustaining dear ones your existence here on this planet, sustaining your own life, with each breath, with each movement, with each day dear ones, with each awakening.

For we work in total and complete unification. In total and complete Unity. We are One. What do you represent on Earth, beloved ones? What are the forces that you represent on Earth if not the Force itself? The Forces that we represent here, in the heavens, on the galactic realm, are the same Forces my dear ones. In different spheres. Acting together, bringing in the Force of Christ, wherever we are. In total communion with the Light and the Universal Divine Source, today and always.

You need to trust it my dear ones, each day more and more, that you are the bearers of the Light and that you are the bearers of the Good News. That you are here supporting the unfolding of all these events, and that you will continue to support this more and more in common union with your star families, in common union with the Forces of Light. And more and more my dear ones you will see this kingdom being enveloped by these energies, this realm being illuminated, to the point that there can be no more attempts at illusion, no attempting to hide the truth, no attempts of manipulation.

This realm is being illuminated and the amplification of these luminous forces will guarantee the unfolding of all the events that need to unfold, as the support of these forces will automatically raise the veils and dissolve the veils that need to be dissolved. Illuminate consciences so that they can understand the lies and illusions in which they have been trapped for so long, and guarantee my dear ones that all the movements that will unfold here will be made in the name of Light. And that everything that needs to happen here will undoubtedly unfold. Without any possibility of interference contrary to the Divine Plan. This is how it should be, and it shall be.

So, my beloved children, I ask you once again to do what is necessary to maintain focus. May you not waste any more time and energy trying to control the events that take place in your realm, or trying to judge whether this is right or wrong, and to understand in detail each of the movements that take place there, dear ones. I ask that you use this precious energy and time for you to know yourselves, your hearts, your energy. For you to focus and strengthen yourself, for the stronger you are in your truths, and in your light, the easier it will be to go through these moments. You have the tools you need to get through this. You have all the support you need to get through this, dear ones. Trust that.

Call us in every moment, every moment of need, and we will be with you. Trust your hearts, calm your minds. And allow us to serve and assist in whatever is necessary. We support your missions on Earth, we support your walk on Earth. Trust it my dear ones. Everything is as it should be.

Trust, breathe, and always maintain the connection with the Above. Always keep your consciousness high in Love, in Light, in Faith and in Trust. For we are together and will continue together, with each advance, with each movement. And everything will unfold as it needs to unfold, at the speed at which it needs to happen. And everything will be as planned.

And so It Is.

Blessings, Ashtar.


Message channeled by: Daniela Ferron Carneiro / Pink Flame Portal Translation: Juarez Arcturus Menegassi

Gratitude to all for sharing!




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